Andreas Geh
Andreas GehGermany
Being a photographer just for fun since he was a teenager, Andreas joined the Gesellschaft Deutscher Tierfotografen (GDT e.V.) in 2008 and started to do professional photography. His love for nature and particularly for wild, rough and remote areas, led him to focus on landscape and wildlife photography with the purpose of creating more attention to preserve the diversity, beauty and value of our environment. He was GDT Photographer of the year in 2016 and his work can be seen in books, articles, projects around the world.
After almost 10 years of photographing with DSLR gear, I switched to Olympus MFT format 2.5 years ago. The main reason was the weight reduction, important for my way of exploring nature and wildlife. One of my main interest is landscape photography. In this field I always try to take photos that are telling a story without human traces or impact to show the pure beauty of nature as it should be in certain areas around the globe giving place for all faunistic and botanic life to keep diversity.
Recently I had the opportunity to do a trip to one of the last big remote and extreme diverse wild areas of this planet, the Okawango delta in Botswana with support of Wilderness Safaris and their vision offering ecotourism to protect the environment and contribute to the local communities with education and work.
When you can see wildlife, like the “big five” and an extreme diverse birdlife around, people and also myself tend to grab the tele lens for shooting them in these rare opportunities. Me not this time! I wanted to focus on wide angle landscape photos to show the almost untouched environment. For this I am using the excellent sharp and sealed 7-14mm F2.8 lens with the OM-D E-M1 Mark II as a perfect combo.
In such areas, mobility and robustness is key and therefore I had different possibilities to get certain angles to the land by car, foot, plane, hot air balloon and boat. It is important that you don´t need to care for technical details, function or size in this situation. You need to be fast and focused just on the ephemeral light, the elusive moments, the scene and how to capture them, that they are telling a story or showing an emotional impression.
For instance the backlit moments, when the buffalos pass the river with splashing and sparkling reflections or the reflected shoreline on the calm water showing perfect symmetry or the sun touches the horizon and immersing the land with its beautiful color or the scull, that is lying untouched in the wide plane to show, that life and death is always close together or the elephant that is swinging its trunk to show me its power to protect its baby. All these moments and much more are the reason, why I love nature and photography and why I am a passionate nature photographer with Olympus gear in my bag.

OM-D E-M1 Mark II
Revolutionary speed and accuracy take your photography to a whole new level. The weathersealed E-M1 Mark II is one of Olympus’ fastest and most precise cameras ever, designed to be more powerful and portable than any DSLR.